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Online Creative Counselling part 3 – Room to Zoom


Hopefully you’ve read my 2 earlier blogs: 

This third blog in the series is to help you get ready to work online with me. 

I’m pretty good at working in any way to accommodate your needs and resources you may have. However, I’m going to explain how you can get set up so I can be more part of your creative process.  

Why I’d like to see you create? 

It may feel a little daunting having someone watch over the work you do but I hope as you get to know me you will feel that’s not what I am doing and it’s a really important part of the process. 

To be a witness to your work 

I did some play therapy training yonks ago which involved having a go. I underestimated how important it would feel having someone with me witnessing my play. I felt held, heard and cared for by someone witnessing my work. I hope you will feel that too as I am a witness to the marks you make. When you work with me you get my full attention. 

So I can reflect what I see 

If I can see what you’re creating while you are creating it, it means I'm able to notice some of the process that you might not be aware of. I might notice, pauses, speed, hesitation, being quick, the order you’ve done things and much more. These things may become relevant to you as you discuss it with me afterwards. 

To be part of the process 

I am not a teacher setting a task for you to do on your own, our work is collaborative so it’s important that I am part of that process with you and for you. You are paying for my time after all. Our relationship may deepen as you trust me more to be your witness. 


Setting Up 

Ideally you will set up your screen so I can see the piece of paper you are working on. Some people set it up so I have a birds eye view of the desk. You can join zoom as a third person on zoom via your phone on a tripod. 

If you are using a lap top or ipad you may be able to turn it to the side so I see part of you and part of your paper. It helps if you have a drawing board which lifts your paper up. Just a warning about the ipad, the holders tend to give a funny angle so clients often need to use a tripod or put books behind the ipad to lift it forward a bit. 

If on a desk top with moveable camera you can angle the camera down. 

I suggest you work it out and have a play before our session. 

Sometimes it’s just not possible to set the screen up so I can see, and if that’s the case we will work round it. 

Other online creative resources 

I have just talked about using pastels and paper but there may be others art things you want to use. If you have them and want to use them by all means bring them to the session. 

We can also use online tools such as the online sand tray: 

I was a bit dismissive when I first found out about this as I reckoned nothing could replace an actual sand tray. However, I found it to be quite freeing. I didn’t take it or me too seriously so it gave me the freedom to really let go and play. 

I hope this blog series has helped you understand a little more about how Online Creative Counselling can work and has enabled you to set up and get ready for working with me. 

If you’ve not booked an appointment yet please email me at 

If you’re not ready yet but want some interim creative therapy ideas then why not sign up and get my FREE Well-Being Worksheets delivered to your mailbox every month.

I look forward to working with you soon 



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